RGB clock
RGB clock
This is the documentation page for the RGB clock kit.
Driver PCB for up to 64 common-anode RGB LEDs, or 192 normal LEDs. The PCB is designed for 1:3 multiplexing of the LEDs, and is equipped with 8 74HC595 shift registers (configured as 4 16-bit deep registers), 64 current-limiting resistors (220 Ohm by default) and 3 FETs to switch the cathode groups on-and-off. The PCB is equipped with a bitwizard-standard 20-pin IO connector, designed to work together with our USB-multio PCB, but it is also possible to connect our FTDI-ATmega, USB-bigmultio or Cyclone dev board, or one of your own boards.
Assembling the kit
Component Value IC1-IC8 74HC595 R1-R64 220R R65-R68 10K R69-R74 1K C1-C8 100nF C9 10uF T1-T3 N-channel FET D1 Double Diode (BAT54S for example) D2-D7 LED SW1-SW4 Pushbutton
External resources
SV10 is connected as follows
1 | GND |
2 | GND |
3 | SER0 |
4 | SER1 |
5 | SER2 |
6 | SER3 |
7 | !OE |
8 | LATCH |
9 | !RESET |
10 | CLOCK |
11 | R |
12 | G |
13 | B |
14 | external clock source |
15 | IO1 |
16 | IO0 |
17 | IO3 |
18 | IO2 |
19 | VCC |
20 | VCC |
SV1 through SV8 are connected as follows:
1 | A0 |
2 | A1 |
3 | A2 |
4 | A3 |
5 | A4 |
6 | A5 |
7 | A6 |
8 | A7 |
9 | R |
10 | G |
11 | B |
12 | GND |
SV9 can be used to connect an external clock source, or a servo motor, or...
1 | GND |
2 | VCC |
3 | connected to pin14 form SV10 |
- D2 is connected to VCC from SV10
- D3 is connected to USB power
- D4 is connected to pin17 from SV10
- D5 is connected to pin18 from SV10
- D6 is connected to pin15 from SV10
- D7 is connected to pin16 from SV10
- Switch1 (next to R71) is connected to pin16 from SV10
- Switch2 (next to R72) is connected to pin15 from SV10
- Switch3 (next to R73) is connected to pin18 from SV10
- Switch4 (next to R74) is connected to pin17 from SV10
Jumper settings
JP1: Power supply selection. Open: LED driver board and microcontroller board have individual powersupplies Closed: VCC from LED driver board and microcontroller board are connected.
The software
The software supplied by BitWizard, is designed to run on the BitWizard Multio board, but it should be possible to port it to other boards. A link to the sources will be posted within a few days (It's Jan 9th 2012 at the moment).
Future hardware enhancements
- Replace 2 12-pin connectors by 1 20-pin connector
- Add numbers to the pushbutton switches
- Initial public release